
Hospital grade disinfectants & cleaners that are safe for everyone.
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) kill thousands of people every year. They also bring significant penalties for noncompliance with CMS guidelines and may cost millions more from legal action brought by infected patients. EvaClean products can replace your current hospital disinfection and cleaning supplies and are proven to prevent HAIs through standardized protocols.
HAIs are on the rise. (And so are the costs.)
Close to 100,000 people die each year from Healthcare-associated Infections, and 1 out of 2 infectious outbreaks exhibit some form of antibiotic resistance.
According to the CDC, the annual cost of HAIs is an estimated $28 billion.
$028 Billion
93% of all critical surfaces in hospitals harbor biofilm.
EvaClean in Action
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See why healthcare facilities trust EvaClean.

Wellforce - A PurExcellence partner

NYU Lagone Health - A PurExcellence partner

Marquis Company

Cincinnati Children's Medical Center