News & Events

May 19, 2022 | Newsletter
Infection Control & Sanitation News to Use
Welcome to the May edition of EvaClean Insights. Your source for all things infection prevention.
Industry Q&A: Why Surface Disinfection Matters
Welcome back to the EvaClean Q & A Column, where interviews with industry thought leaders provide insights on important infection prevention issues. This month, we begin a multi-part Q & A series with J. Darrel Hicks, BA, MESRE, CHESP, CMIP on the topic of environmental surfaces. Hicks is past President of the IEHA and the Healthcare Surfaces Institute (HSI), and a current member of the HSI Surface Certification Program. He is a nationally recognized subject matter expert on infection prevention, environmental cleaning and disinfecting. Hicks has written and published numerous articles in professional and healthcare journals, and is the author of “Infection Prevention for Dummies.”
EvaClean Opens EU Office
Last month, the EvaClean team executed an extensive European visit to further expand international operations. The team traveled to five different countries in six days with the singular goal of bringing safer, more sustainable and effective infection prevention solutions across Europe.
The team worked their way from Serbia and the Czech Republic, to the Netherlands, England, and Ireland, reconnecting with current distributor partners and establishing new partnerships.
“We visited leading hospitals and finalized new distribution partnerships. We also had the opportunity to meet with a key partner in Amsterdam and visit their top client, Schiphol International Airport, the busiest in the world. It was an incredibly productive trip and the response to EvaClean’s Infection Prevention Solution was phenomenal.” said Chairman RJ Valentine.
EvaClean’s leadership team also had the opportunity to attend the largest UK hygiene event, The Manchester Cleaning Show, where they initiated several new strategic supplier relationships. Wexford was the next stop, where the team officially opened EvaClean EU headquarters.
“After several years of virtual meetings, this was a critical opportunity for us to network, renew contacts and friendships, and discuss in person ideas and trends. I was impressed with how open and excited our EU peers were to partner on exploring advanced technologies and new, safer chemistries,” said Rich Prinz, GVP Sales.
Covid Rises Again – 3 Tips to Keep it at Bay
Covid isn’t letting up. In fact, cases seem to be on the rise again. In a Boston Globe article, Dr. Paul Sax, clinical director for the Division of Infectious Diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital said, “If you think there’s a lot of virus circulating out there right now, you’re absolutely right.” NBC News reports Covid cases have increased more than 25% in 45 states over the last two weeks.
Though concerning, EvaClean is here to help. Below are 3 important tips for keeping Covid at bay.
- The Covid virus is transmitted primarily through aerosol emissions however, respiratory droplets can land on surfaces or objects and survive for several days. Touching a contaminated surface can cause someone to become infected.
- The best way to prevent this from happening is to perform environmental surface disinfection with an EPA approved product. Better still, use a List N product that is safer for people and the environment like EvaClean’s PurOne Cleaner and Disinfectant.
- Oftentimes, surfaces are inadvertently contaminated when the same cleaning cloth is used on multiple surfaces. Single use disinfecting wipes, like EvaClean’s disposable environmental surface wipe system, are one of the best methods for mitigating cross-contamination.
Join us at APIC 2022, June 13-15
Reach out today to and make an appointment to meet with us or one of our Distributor Partners at booth #1860 at the upcoming APIC conference. We’ll be featuring show specials and giveaways. If you can’t make APIC, reach out and ask how you qualify for a virtual show special.